Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What lies beneath, and above, and inside....

This new house is really a treasure trove of either goodies or baddies, but even the baddies have made us a few bucks in resale. As you know we have been tearing up carpet in the bedroom to discover wood floorboards in pretty good condition. We pulled up the carpet in Callum's room last week (well, I personally didn't so shouldn't take any credit....) and again we were happy to find very decent floorboards. The only issue seems to be some staining, I guess from spillage that soaked through the underlay.

Speaking of what lies beneath, this gem lies above in this room:

I am so much happier with our bedroom now that the carpet is up and we moved our bed around. It went from this, to this:

I picked up some paint samples, just the little pieces of card, with colours for our room. Any suggestions on what to go with?

And what lies inside? Well, a lot of things to still be discovered I suspect. I have shown you the baking loot we previously found in the kitchen cupboards, and the other day I noticed that there is more stuff way in the back of the cupboard I am storing our pizza and baking trays. I think I might just investigate that further this afternoon. At the West Brookfield Flea Market last Saturday, we managed to make some $$$ on selling bits and pieces we have found in this house. I sold the towel rack and toilet roll holder I removed from the bathroom (they were U-G-L-Y) and oil lamps that were probably worth more than I thought. Of course, Jerry and I are unable to attend any type of flea market, yard sale etc without spending, so of the items we purchased, these are my favourite:

This is a $2 baby's cap that I picked up from a lady who specialises in linens. It needed a little wash and it might need some new ribbon ties, but I can't wait to use it! On the baby, not me :)

And this tea pot is lovely, and I see it gracing the counter top of a future (dream) tea shop of ours. Fill it with tea (leaves) of your choice, light the candle below, and gracefully strain the tea into quaint tea cups, and sip the afternoon away.

Oh, and I couldn't resist picking up some things for the baby peach (or mango to be more specific about the baby's size right now - 23 weeks). Some cute tights for the colder months and our new friend Frederick. Pressing his ears brings the sounds of him trotting then neighing happily:

Still with the baby, Kirah and I started to work on the changing table. We have a bureau that was left in the house, that is a good height and the right width for a changing pad. So we removed the mirror and will repaint the frame and attach it to a wall, and removed all of the hardware from the bureau in preparation for sanding, priming and painting. I'd really like to attempt something like this:

Here is our progress:

I am actually going to switch out this mirror with the mirror in the main bathroom. I think.....stay tuned for that decision!

Other than packet mix cakes for my cake decorating class, I haven't had much baking time at all. It's one of those things to me where I have to feel comfortable in my kitchen and have all ingredients on hand before I can really want to bake. I did cook (packet) pancakes for dinner the other night. We were having a "breakfast for dinner" menu. I officially am terrible at pancakes. I have never had any luck. They always burn or I try to flip them too early and the gooey middle gets everywhere and it's just yuck. And, I have no flipper! So here is my fill-in, a cheese grater...

Finally, this week, check out these puppies my grandparents found in their cellar. "Give them to Kirah" they said. They fit me. They are mine. I promise to wait until the baby is born before I start skating around the world in them!

1 comment:

  1. wow Smell... this all looks very exciting. Your bedroom looks amazing, what a different it makes tearing up the floorboards. I love the before and after shots! I quite like the Academy grey colour... but it just depends on what other colours you put in your room.
    Can't wait to see you soon! take care, mon x
