Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ummm, so where you been?

Ok, It has been officially over six months since I last posted. I hate to lose track of this blog and so I am going to find the time to keep calm and carry on! This may not be a question that needs to be asked, but if you ask, so where have you been, here is the answer/culprit:

Guilty as charged. Isla Estelle Czub, born September 25 2011, two weeks early. I will forever be thankful to her for arriving early. Had she come on time, Mama Peach here would have been a nervous wreck, anxiety ridden and waiting for that dreaded moment, where there is no turning back, the baby is coming. So after only six hours, and with a husband who may never recover from the things he saw, we welcomed this lovely blessing into our lives. She, who is currently working on her napping schedule by actually napping, is pure joy and almost capable of sitting upright on her own. Wow, time flies.

What else has been going on? Well, apart from baby, baby, baby, I took my first vacation as a new Mum to Florida and had a glorious time eating and walking on the beach, and eating. We will be back next year as it was a great vacation spot, with yard sales, seafood, beaches, glorious weather and a very nice and welcoming host.

And Gators! I swear there is a gator in this photo...

See it? Well it is there.

The house is still coming together. We are finally rid of the purple, blue and white speckled paint that haunted this house. I am typing with paint splattered fingers as I have just finished the bathroom. No photos just yet as I have to switch out all the electrical outlet covers and light switches, rehang the wall sconces, add the new glass shades, hang curtains and wall art and the toilet paper roll, hand and bath towel hooks. But here is a before shot to remind you of the beautiful-ness...

And thanks to my brother and wonderful Mum, our master bedroom is now a shade of this colour...

What do you think of these camera angles? No, I am not trying to be fancy. It is called taking-a-photo-one-handed-on-my-iPhone-while-carrying-a-baby-on-my-hip angle. It really is amazing what my right hand can do without the help of the left. Yes, yes, must put the baby down more. My excuse? She enjoys seeing what I do and is learning and taking it all in....ok?

Back to the baby. I am in the midst of introducing solid, yet pureed foods and have achieved success with the orange veges of butternut squash and sweet potato. On the tip of a fellow Mom, I purchased a silicon individual brownie tray that is perfect for freezing ounce-sized portions of food. Here is what that looks like and a photo of my little helper...

She loves the spatula and I think it is good for her gums. She loves to gnaw on it.

I'd have to say that is about all I can manage right now! I am sooo tired and am just happy to have posted again. Good night!